Successful career transition: our checklist for a successful career change

In the ever-changing professional landscape, career transition has become a reality for many people seeking to adapt their skills and seize new opportunities. Whether it’s to keep up with market trends, redirect your career to match your passions, or simply to take on new challenges, changing careers can be both exciting and daunting.

To succeed in this transition, it is essential to be well prepared, to develop new skills and to put in place effective strategies. In this article, we will guide you through the key steps to a successful career transition, offering tips and tricks to help you through this complex process with confidence and determination. From skills assessment and training to networking and finding opportunities, we will address the key aspects of a career change to provide you with a rewarding and successful experience.

Evaluation of oneself and one’s aspirations

A. Analysis of current skills and identification of strengths

Before embarking on a career transition, it is important to conduct a thorough assessment of your current skills and strengths. This will give you a better understanding of your strengths and what you can bring to your new career. To do this, you can:

  • Make a list of your technical skills and the soft skills you have developed throughout your career.
  • Seek feedback from colleagues, supervisors and mentors to get a more objective view of your skills.
  • Use online assessment tools or personality tests to identify your strengths and areas for improvement.

B. Exploration of interests and aspirations to determine a new professional direction

Career transition is an ideal opportunity to align your work with your aspirations and interests. To find the direction that works best for you, take time to reflect on what motivates and inspires you most.

Here are some tips to help you:

  • Identify activities that give you satisfaction, even outside of work.
  • Think about the sectors or industries you are passionate about and would like to contribute to.
  • Consider jobs or roles that match your personal values and aspirations.

C. Assessing the feasibility of a career change

Once you have identified your skills and interests, it is crucial to assess the feasibility of your career transition.

To do this, consider the following factors:

  • The job market: study the trends and job opportunities in the sector that interests you. Make sure there is sufficient demand for the skills you are targeting.
  • Available resources: evaluate the time, money and effort needed to acquire the skills and qualifications required for your new career.
  • Personal and family consequences: consider the impact of the career change on your personal life, including financial consequences, lifestyle changes, and the possible impact on your loved ones.

By conducting a thorough assessment of your skills, interests and the feasibility of your career transition, you will be better prepared to approach this change in a realistic and informed manner.

Research and choice of a new professional field

A. Analysis of growth industries and career opportunities

When considering a career change, it is essential to choose an industry and occupation that offers good employment and growth prospects.

To do this, you can:

  • Monitor job market trends and identify fast-growing sectors, such as information technology, renewable energy, health, or digital marketing (this list is far from exhaustive, it is simply an example).
  • Consult employment reports and studies for information on occupations in demand and prospects.
  • Discuss with professionals in the sector you are considering to better understand the realities of the field and the opportunities available.

B. Study of the skills and qualifications required for the trades envisaged

Once you have identified a sector of activity and occupations that interest you, it is important to learn about the skills and qualifications required to perform these occupations.

Here are some avenues to explore:

  • Check out job postings and job descriptions to see what skills and qualifications are most in demand by employers.
  • Participate in online forums or discussion groups related to your area of interest to get advice and information from experienced professionals.
  • Look for certifications and training that are recognized and valued in your target industry.
  • Contact us for personalized advice in relation to the market.

C. Consideration of remuneration and development prospects

Finally, it is crucial to evaluate the compensation and development prospects offered by your new career.

Consider the following:

  • Find out about average salaries and salary ranges in the industry and occupation you are considering.
  • Evaluate short and long term career growth and professional development opportunities.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the compensation and development opportunities in relation to your financial situation and career goals.

By learning about industries, occupations, skill requirements and job prospects, you will be better equipped to choose a career field that matches your aspirations and skills, while offering opportunities for growth and success.

Training and acquisition of new skills

A. Identification of relevant training and certifications

Once you’ve chosen a career field and identified the skills you need, it’s time to research the training and certifications that will help you acquire those skills.

Here are some tips to help you in this process:

  • Check the websites and catalogs of training organizations to identify programs and courses that match your needs and goals.
  • Look for recognized professional certifications in your target industry that can help you validate your skills and stand out to employers.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations and advice from industry professionals, your contacts or your professional social networks.

B. Planning and organization of the training

The success of your career transition depends in large part on your ability to plan and organize your training effectively.

Here are some tips to help you structure your training path:

  • Establish a realistic schedule for attending trainings, workshops or courses, taking into account your professional and personal constraints.
  • Evaluate available funding options, such as job training assistance, scholarships or loans.
  • Consider the different training modalities (face-to-face, online, blended, part-time, etc.) to choose the one that best suits your situation and learning style.

C. Putting into practice and developing acquired skills

Acquiring new skills is essential, but it is equally important to practice and develop them. Here are some tips for building your skills and maximizing your employability:

  • Look for internships, freelance assignments or volunteer projects that will allow you to apply your new skills in a professional setting.
  • Participate in workshops, conferences or professional events to exchange with other professionals while enriching your knowledge.
  • Don’t hesitate to seek feedback and advice from your peers, mentors, or personal advisors to help you continually improve your skills and adapt to market demands.

By training in a structured way and putting your new skills into practice, you will increase your chances of succeeding in your career transition and of thriving in your new career.

Networking and job search in the new professional field

A. Developing and using your professional network

Networking is an essential tool to ease your transition to a new career and access employment opportunities.

Here are some tips for developing and using your professional network:

  • Inform your current contacts of your career transition project and ask for their advice, recommendations or referrals.
  • Attend events, conferences and workshops related to your new career field to meet other professionals and expand your network.
  • Use professional social networks, such as LinkedIn, to connect with people working in your target industry and to follow market news and trends.

B. Adapting your CV and cover letter

To maximize your chances of landing a job in your new career, it is crucial to tailor your resume and cover letter by highlighting the relevant skills and qualifications you have acquired.

Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Highlight the transferable skills and qualifications obtained during your training, adapting them to the requirements of your target position.
  • Use a suitable resume format to emphasize your skills rather than your work experience in another field.
  • Personalize your cover letter by explaining the reasons for your career change and demonstrating your motivation and potential to succeed in your new career.

C. Preparation for job interviews

Job interviews are a crucial step in your job search, and it is essential to be prepared to answer specific questions related to your career transition.

Here are some tips to help you prepare:

  • Know how to anticipate questions that recruiters might ask about your career change, such as your motivations, your transferable skills or your salary expectations.
  • Prepare a few concrete examples to illustrate how you have applied your new skills in a professional context or during your training.
  • Be prepared to explain the advantages that your atypical background can bring to the company and the position you are aiming for, such as your adaptability, your versatility or your ability to learn quickly.

By implementing these tips to develop your professional network, adapt your resume and prepare for job interviews, you will increase your chances of succeeding in your career transition and finding a job in your new field.

Evaluation and adjustment of your career transition path

A. Analysis of your successes and challenges

As you progress through your conversion journey, it is important to take time to evaluate your successes and challenges to better understand what is working and what can be improved.

Here are some tips for conducting this analysis:

  • Identify the aspects of your transition that went well, such as acquiring new skills, achieving a certification or completing a project.
  • Review the challenges you have faced, such as difficulties finding a job, adjusting your resume or managing your training time.
  • Reflect on what you can learn from these successes and challenges, and what adjustments you can make to your career transition strategy

B. Adapting your conversion strategy based on feedback

Depending on the results of your analysis, you may need to adjust your conversion strategy to better meet your goals and constraints. Here are some tips for adjusting your course:

  • If you are having trouble finding a job, explore other job search methods, such as professional social networks, specialized job boards or recruitment agencies.
  • If you feel you lack the skills to enter the job market, consider taking additional training or engaging in volunteer projects to strengthen your experience.
  • If you feel overwhelmed by the demands of your training, reorganize your schedule and prioritize to better manage your time and resources.

C. Maintaining your motivation and commitment throughout the process

Career transition can be a long and sometimes difficult process, and it is essential to maintain your motivation and commitment throughout your journey. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Set clear, achievable short- and long-term goals to measure your progress and celebrate your successes.
  • Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people, such as mentors, colleagues or friends.
  • Don’t hesitate to take breaks and step back to recharge your batteries and avoid burnout.

By regularly evaluating your career transition path and adapting your strategy based on feedback, you will be able to progress more efficiently and serenely towards your new career.


In conclusion, career transition is an ambitious and challenging process that can lead to a more fulfilling career that matches your personal and professional aspirations. By following the steps detailed in this article, you will be able to effectively prepare for your career transition by defining your goals, assessing and developing your skills, and building a solid professional network.

It is important to remember that career transition is an evolutionary process and that patience, perseverance and adaptability are required along the way. Do not hesitate to surround yourself with people who support you and to train regularly to be always up to date in your field.
If you are looking for a career change and need support to develop your skills, don’t hesitate to consult les offres de formation proposées par ITTA. Our wide range of training courses will help you acquire the skills you need to succeed in your new career and will support you throughout your career transition.

About The Author

ITTA is the leader in IT training and project management solutions and services in French-speaking Switzerland.

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