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Training: Programming Objects with C++, Advanced

Ref. CPP-02
Not certifying


The course starts with basic OO concepts, and then a quick introduction to the language. Except OOP, topics covered include Templates, Standard Template Library (STL) and Exceptions. The course also covers some advanced Object-Oriented design techniques in C++ such as Design Heuristics, Design by Contract, Interfaced-based programming, Composition and Delegation Patterns, Memory Management and Smart Pointers, Subtyping, Design for efficiency and Meta programming in C++.

Participant profiles

  • Application developers
  • Programmers
  • System Designers


  • Apply advanced concepts of OO designs
  • Be able to write and maintain C++ programs
  • Write robust, maintainable, elegant and efficient C++ code
  • Be able to deploy good C++ programming practices
  • Be able to use the advanced features of the C++ programming language
  • Be able to implement advanced Object-Oriented techniques in C++ to realize efficient and flexible applications
  • Leave with skills needed to develop industrial C++ applications


Course content

Module 1: Language History and C++11/14
  • Lesson 1: History of C++
  • Lesson 2: Versions
  • Lesson 3: New in TR1
  • Lesson 4: New in C++11
  • Lesson 5: New in C++14
Module 2: Language Review and Best Practice: Part I
  • Lesson 1: Object-Oriented Programming
  • Lesson 2: Constructors and Destructors
  • Lesson 3: New and delete
Module 3: Basic Inheritance
  • Lesson 1: Interface vs. Implementation
  • Lesson 2: Type Inheritance
  • Lesson 3: Implementation Inheritance
  • Lesson 4: Proper Use of C++11 final and override
  • Lesson 5: Virtual Destructors: When and Why?
  • Lesson 6: Inheritance Guidelines
Module 4: Correct Use of Well Known Language Features
  • Lesson 1: Pointers vs. References vs. Value
  • Lesson 2: Proper Use of const
  • Lesson 3: Proper Use of Inline Functions
  • Lesson 4: Proper Use of static
  • Lesson 5: Proper Use of Default Parameters
  • Lesson 6: Proper Use of friend
  • Lesson 7: Proper Use of namespace
  • Lesson 8: The C++ Way to Cast
  • Lesson 9: Proper Use of Operator Overloading
  • Lesson 10: Copy Constructor: Why/When?
  • Lesson 11: Assignment Operator: Why/When?
  • Lesson 12: The Law of The Big Three
Module 5: Exceptions
  • Lesson 1: Lessons from Traditional Error Handling
  • Lesson 2: Object-Oriented Error Handling
  • Lesson 3: Throw, try and catch
  • Lesson 4: Design of Exception Hierarchies
  • Lesson 5: Proper use of Rethrow
  • Lesson 6: using unexpected
  • Lesson 7: Exception Pitfalls
  • Lesson 8: Exception Guidelines
Module 6: Templates
  • Lesson 1: Template Classes Definition
  • Lesson 2: Template Classes Implementation
  • Lesson 3: Parametrized Classes
  • Lesson 4: Templates and Non-Type Parameters
  • Lesson 5: Template Guidelines
  • Lesson 6: Templates and Plain Functions
  • Lesson 7: C++ Template Function
Module 7: Standard Template Library (STL)
  • Lesson 1: STL String
  • Lesson 2: STL Components
  • Lesson 3: Sequence Containers
  • Lesson 4: Use of Iterators in STL
  • Lesson 5: Example of Algorithms
  • Lesson 6: Initialization of Containers
  • Lesson 7: Performance Profiles of Sequence Containers
Module 8: STL Algorithms
  • Lesson 1: STL vs Boost
  • Lesson 2: Parameterization of Algorithms
  • Lesson 3: Using Functions
  • Lesson 4: Using Function Objects
  • Lesson 5: Using Lambda Expressions
  • Lesson 6: Library of Selected Algorithms
  • Lesson 7: Contributing Algorithms
Module 9: STL Associative Containers
  • Lesson 1: Set
  • Lesson 2: Multiset
  • Lesson 3: Map
  • Lesson 4: Multimaps
Module 10: STL Functors, Allocators and More
  • Lesson 1: Standard Exception
  • Lesson 2: Functors
  • Lesson 3: Library Provided Function Objects
  • Lesson 4: Using STL Function Objects and Binders
  • Lesson 5: Negators
  • Lesson 6: Allocators
  • Lesson 7: Complex Number
  • Lesson 8: Smart Pointers
Module 11: Efficiency: Temporary Objects
  • Lesson 1: Temporary Objects: The Problem
  • Lesson 2: Various Techniques to Avoid Temporaries
  • Lesson 3: STL String: How to Avoid Creation of Temporaries
  • Lesson 4: C++11: Move Semantics
  • Lesson 5: Miscellaneous Techniques to Avoid Temporaries
Module 12: Memory Management
  • Lesson 1: How Does C++ Use Memory?
  • Lesson 2: Basic Guidelines
  • Lesson 3: Implementation of Singletons in C++
  • Lesson 4: Efficient Use of Smart Pointers
  • Lesson 5: Overloading new and delete
  • Lesson 6: Memory Management
  • Lesson 7: How Does C++ Use Memory?
  • Lesson 8: Basic Guidelines
  • Lesson 9: Implementation of Singletons in C++
  • Lesson 10: Efficient Use of Smart Pointers
  • Lesson 11: Overloading new and delete
  • Lesson 12: The Importance of Data Layout
Module 13: Hot vs. Cold Memory
  • Lesson 1: Miscellaneous Efficiency Techniques
  • Lesson 2: Design Concerns
  • Lesson 3: Flexibility vs Performance
  • Lesson 4: Lazy Evaluation
  • Lesson 5: Eager Evaluation
  • Lesson 6: Copy on Write Techniques
  • Lesson 7: Data Layout Revisited
  • Lesson 8: Modern Hardware and Cache Pipelines
  • Lesson 9: The Effect of Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Lesson 10: Postcondition and C++
  • Lesson 11: Efficiency Profiles of Libraries
  • Lesson 12: STL and Performance
  • Lesson 13: Latency
  • Lesson 14: Cost and Benefits of Threads
  • Lesson 15: Asynchronous Programming
  • Lesson 16: Futures
Module 14: Delegation
  • Lesson 1: Concept of Delegation
  • Lesson 2: Delegation in C++
  • Lesson 3: Simple Delegation
  • Lesson 4: Static Delegation
  • Lesson 5: Superclass Delegation
  • Lesson 6: Subclass Delegation
  • Lesson 7: Issues With Subclass Delegation in C++
  • Lesson 8: Object Delegation
  • Lesson 9: Strategy Pattern
  • Lesson 10: C++ and Strategy
  • Lesson 11: State Pattern
  • Lesson 12: C++ and State
  • Lesson 13: Design of Composite
  • Lesson 14: Composite and Delegation
  • Lesson 15: Other Delegation Patterns
Module 15: Decoupling
  • Lesson 1: What is Coupling?
  • Lesson 2: Kinds of Coupling
  • Lesson 3: Identity Coupling
  • Lesson 4: Identity Coupling: Object Lifetimes
  • Lesson 5: Change of Identity
  • Lesson 6: Type Coupling
  • Lesson 7: Implementation Coupling
  • Lesson 8: Interfaces and Implementations
  • Lesson 9: Decoupling by Example
Module 16: Advanced Inheritance
  • Lesson 1: Multiple Inheritance of Interfaces
  • Lesson 2: Multiple Inheritance of Implementation
  • Lesson 3: Shared Properties
  • Lesson 4: Resolving Ambiguity
  • Lesson 5: Virtual Inheritance
  • Lesson 6: Multi Methods
  • Lesson 7: Double Dispatch
  • Lesson 8: Use of RTTI
  • Lesson 9: Rules and Guidelines
  • Lesson 10: Inheritance of Baseclass Methods
  • Lesson 11: Change of Methods
  • Lesson 12: Contracts and Inheritance
  • Lesson 13: Contracts and Subtyping
  • Lesson 14: Variations of Method Arguments
  • Lesson 15: Rules for Method Arguments
  • Lesson 16: Rules for Changing Return Types
  • Lesson 17: Cancellations of Methods
Module 17: Design Heuristics
  • Lesson 1: Object-Oriented Design Guidelines
  • Lesson 2: Reflecting Client’s View
  • Lesson 3: Polling
  • Lesson 4: Express Interfaces Through Objects
  • Lesson 5: Value Objects
  • Lesson 6: Class Invariants
  • Lesson 7: Abstract Base Classes
  • Lesson 8: Classes and Interfaces
  • Lesson 9: Design Interfaces Between Base and Derived Classes
  • Lesson 10: Classes Cohesiveness


  • Digital courseware included

Lab / Exercises

  • During the course participants are encouraged to actively participate in the learning experience by running example files during lectures and performing coding challenges during labs. Each lab session allows you to compare your solution to the instructor’s

Complementary courses

Temptraining funding

ITTA is a partner of Temptraining, the continuing education fund for temporary workers. This training fund can subsidize continuing education for anyone who works for an employer subject to the Collective Work Agreement (CCT) Rental of services.
Prix de l'inscription
CHF 3'550.-
Inclus dans ce cours
  • Training provided by an industry expert
  • Digital documentation and materials
  • Achievement badge
Mois actuel

lun17Fév(Fév 17)09:00ven21(Fév 21)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun17Fév(Fév 17)09:00ven21(Fév 21)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun24Mar(Mar 24)09:00ven28(Mar 28)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun24Mar(Mar 24)09:00ven28(Mar 28)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun28Avr(Avr 28)09:00ven02Mai(Mai 2)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun28Avr(Avr 28)09:00ven02Mai(Mai 2)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun02Juin(Juin 2)09:00ven06(Juin 6)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun02Juin(Juin 2)09:00ven06(Juin 6)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun07juil(juil 7)09:00ven11(juil 11)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun07juil(juil 7)09:00ven11(juil 11)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun11Aoû(Aoû 11)09:00ven15(Aoû 15)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun11Aoû(Aoû 11)09:00ven15(Aoû 15)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun15Sep(Sep 15)09:00ven19(Sep 19)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun15Sep(Sep 15)09:00ven19(Sep 19)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun20Oct(Oct 20)09:00ven24(Oct 24)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun20Oct(Oct 20)09:00ven24(Oct 24)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun24Nov(Nov 24)09:00ven28(Nov 28)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02

lun24Nov(Nov 24)09:00ven28(Nov 28)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionCPP-02


Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Tel. 058 307 73 00


Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

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Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 06:00 pm.

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