Module 1: Getting Setup
- Lesson 1: Section Intro
- Lesson 2: Installing Node
- Lesson 3: What Is Node?
- Lesson 4: Why Should I Use Node?
Module 2: Node.js Fundamentals
- Lesson 1: Using Require
- Lesson 2: Requiring Your Own Files
- Lesson 3: Using 3rd Party Modules
- Lesson 4: Restarting App with Nodemon
- Lesson 5: Getting Input From User
- Lesson 6: Simplified Input With Yargs
- Lesson 7: Working With JSON
- Lesson 8: Adding and Saving Notes
- Lesson 9: Refactoring For Reusability
- Lesson 10: Removing a Note
- Lesson 11: Debugging Node.js Applications
- Lesson 12: Debugging via Chrome Dev Tools
- Lesson 13: Requiring Arguments and Advanced Yargs
- Lesson 14: Arrow Functions
Module 3: Asynchronous Node.js
- Lesson 1: Async Basics
- Lesson 2: Call Stack & Event Loop
- Lesson 3: Callback Functions & APIs
- Lesson 4: Pretty Printing Objects
- Lesson 5: What’s Makes up an HTTP Request?
- Lesson 6: Encoding User Input
- Lesson 7: Callback Errors
- Lesson 8: Abstracting Callbacks
- Lesson 9: Wiring Up Weather Search
- Lesson 10: Chaining Callbacks Together
- Lesson 11: Intro to ES6 Promises
- Lesson 12: Advanced Promises
- Lesson 13: Weather App With Promises
- Lesson 14: Extra Features
Module 4: Web Servers and Application Deployment
- Lesson 1: Hello Express
- Lesson 2: Creating a Web Server
- Lesson 3: Rendering Templates with Data
- Lesson 4: Advanced Templating
- Lesson 5: Express Middleware
- Lesson 6: Adding Version Control (Git)
- Lesson 7: Setting Up GitHub & SSH Keys
- Lesson 8: Deploying Your Apps
- Lesson 9: Adding a New Feature and Deploying
Module 5: Testing Your Applications
- Lesson 1: Mocha and Basic Testing
- Lesson 2: Watch and Auto Restart Tests
- Lesson 3: Using an Assertion Library
- Lesson 4: Testing Asynchronous Code
- Lesson 5: Testing Express Applications: Part I
- Lesson 6: Testing Express Applications: Part II
- Lesson 7: Organizing Test With describe()
- Lesson 8: Test Spies
Module 6: MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)
- Lesson 1: Installing MongoDB and Robomongo (Mac, Linux)
- Lesson 2: Installing MongoDB and Robomongo (Windows)
- Lesson 3: Building a NoSQL Vocabulary
- Lesson 4: Connecting to Mongo and Writing Data
- Lesson 5: The ObjectId
- Lesson 6: Fetching Data
- Lesson 7: Setting Up The Repo
- Lesson 8: Deleting Documents
- Lesson 9: Updating Data
- Lesson 10: The Mongoose ORM
- Lesson 11: Setting Up Mongoose
- Lesson 12: Validators, Types, and Defaults
- Lesson 13: Mongoose Queries and ID Validation
- Lesson 14: Getting an Individual Resource – GET /todos/:id
- Lesson 15: Deploy API to Heroku
Module 7: Security and Authentication
- Lesson 1: Setting Up The User Model
- Lesson 2: JWTs and Hashing
- Lesson 3: Generating Auth Tokens and Setting Headers
- Lesson 4: Private Routes and Auth Middleware
- Lesson 5: Hashing Passwords
- Lesson 6: Seeding Test Database With Users
- Lesson 7: Improving App Configuration
Module 8: Real-Time Web Apps with
- Lesson 1: Creating a New Project
- Lesson 2: Adding to an App
- Lesson 3: Emitting and Listening to Events
- Lesson 4: Emitting and Listening to Events (Solution)
- Lesson 5: Broadcasting Events
- Lesson 6: Message Generator & Tests
- Lesson 7: Event Acknowledgements
- Lesson 8: Message Form & jQuery
- Lesson 9: Geolocation Part I
- Lesson 10: Geolocation Part II
- Lesson 11: Styling The Chat Page
- Lesson 12: Timestamps and Formatting with Moment
- Lesson 13: Printing Message Timestamps
- Lesson 14: Moustache.js
- Lesson 15: Autoscrolling
- Lesson 16: Adding a Join Page
- Lesson 17: Passing Room Data
- Lesson 18: Rooms
- Lesson 19: Storing Users With ES6 Classes: Part I
- Lesson 20: Storing Users With ES6 Classes: Part II
- Lesson 21: Wiring Up User List
- Lesson 22: Sending Messages To Room Only
- Lesson 23: New Feature Ideas
Module 9: Async/Await
- Lesson 1: Async/Await Project Setup
- Lesson 2: Async/Await Basics
- Lesson 3: A Real-World Example
- Lesson 4: Handling Errors and Awaiting Async Function
- Lesson 5: Using Async/Await in the Todo API