Module 1: Digital Video basics in Adobe After Effects
- Analog versus digital
- Frame rate and resolution
- Storage space and system requirements
- Defining motion Graphics
Module 2: Using the After Effects Interface
- Creating a project
- Understanding the After Effects panel system
- Organizing the Project Window
- Understanding the Composition Window
- Working in the Timeline Window
- RAM Preview vs. Standard Preview
Module 3: Media Management
- Importing media files
- Importing Photoshop and Illustrator files
- Previewing footage
- Previewing stills and video
- Previewing audio
- Trimming a video clip
- Using the Interpret Footage dialog box
- Looping an audio or video file
Module 4: Using Layers in Adobe After Effects
- Layer basics
- Layer options
- Creating a layer solid
- Understanding the layer switches
- Time stretch and frame blending
- Nesting compositions/layers using precomps
Module 5: Using keyframes in Adobe After Effects
- Animation of layer properties using keyframes
- Using layer parenting to ease repetition
- Understanding motion paths
- Working with layer blending
- Controlling the speed of animations
- Easing principles
Module 6: Using text in Adobe After Effects
- Creating text
- Character palette
- Paragraph palette
- Animating text with keyframes
- Animating text using presets
- Using Bridge with After Effects
Module 7: Masking and alpha channels in Adobe After Effects
- Masking
- Animating masks
- Working with alpha channels
- Track matte
Module 8: Using Effects in Adobe After Effects
- Effect basics
- Animating effects
Module 9: Introduction to 3D in After Effects
- Exploring the 3D capabilities and limitations of After Effects
- Creating 3D layers
- Using multiple viewports
- Understanding 3D Transform properties
- Animating 3D layers
- Creating and using lights
Module 10: Outputting in Adobe After Effects
- Rendering from a composition to various formats
- Understanding the Render Queue
- Adjusting render settings
- Duplicating jobs in the Render Queue
- Creating render templates
- Exporting a project file
- Rendering an individual frame