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Training: ICDL BASE – Computer Essentials – BM1

Ref. ECDL1-BM1


This course sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the use of devices, file creation and management, networks and data security.

Participant profiles

  • Anyone who needs to master the features offered by Windows operating system and Outlook, Word and Excel softwares
  • Anyone who want to be ICDL certified


  • Understand the essential concepts related to ICTs, computers, peripherals and software
  • Work effectively with a computer using icons and windows
  • Change the main operating system settings and use the built-in help functions
  • Create a simple document and print it
  • Know the principles of good records management and be able to clearly organize files and folders
  • Understand the basic concepts of a network and know how to connect to a network
  • Understand the importance of protecting data and hardware from a virus attack


  • No prerequisites

Course content

Computers and Devices

Module 1: ICT

  • Define the term Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Identify different types of ICT services/uses like: Internet services, mobile technology, office productivity applications

Module 2: Hardware

  • Define the term hardware. Identify the main types of computers like: desktops, laptops, tab- lets. Identify the main types of devices
  • Define the terms processor, Random Access Memory (RAM), storage. Understand their impact on performance when using computers and devices
  • Identify the main types of integrated and exter- nal equipment like: printers, screens, scanners, keyboards, mouse/trackpad, webcam, speakers, microphone, docking station
  • Identify common input/output ports like: USB, HDMI

Module 3: Software and Licensing

  • Define the term software and distinguish between the main types of software like: operating systems, applications. Know that software can be installed locally or available online
  • Define the term operating system and identify some common operating systems for computers and devices
  • Identify common examples of applications like: office productivity, communications, social networking, media, design, mobile applications
  • Define the term End-User License Agreement (EULA). Recognise that software must be licensed before use
  • Outline the types of software licenses: proprietary, open source, trial version, shareware, freeware

Module 4: Start Up, Shut Down

  • Start a computer and log on securely using a user name and password
  • Log off, shut down, restart a computer using an appropriate routine

Desktop, Icons, Settings

Module 1: Desktop and Icons

  • Outline the purpose of the desktop and the taskbar
  • Identify common icons like those representing: files, folders, applications, printers, drives, shortcuts/aliases, recycle bin/wastebasket/
  • trash
  • Select and move icons
  • Create, rename, move, delete a shortcut/alias

Module 2: Using Windows

  • Identify the different parts of a window: title bar, menu bar, toolbar, ribbon, status bar, scroll bar
  • Open, collapse, expand, restore down, maximise, resize, move, close a window
  • Switch between open windows

Module 3: Tools and Settings

  • Use available help functions
  • View the computer’s basic system information: operating system name and version number, installed RAM
  • Change desktop configuration settings: date and time, volume settings, background, resolution
  • Change, add, remove keyboard language. Change default language
  • Shut down a non-responding application
  • Install, uninstall an application
  • Connect a device (USB flash drive, digital camera, media player) to a computer. Disconnect a device using an appropriate routine
  • Capture a full screen, active window


Module 1: Working with Text

  • Open, close a word processing application. Open, close files
  • Enter text into a document
  • Copy, move text within a document, between open documents. Paste a screen capture into a document
  • Save and name a document

Module 2: Printing

  • Install, uninstall a printer. Print a test page
  • Set the default printer from an installed printer list
  • Print a document from a word processing application
  • View, pause, restart, cancel a print job

File Management

Module 1: Introducing Files and Folders

  • Understand how an operating system organises drives, folders, files in a hierarchical structure
  • Navigate between drives, folders, sub-folders, files
  • Display file, folder properties like: name, size, location
  • Change view to display files and folders like: tiles, icons, list, details
  • Identify common file types like: word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, portable document format (pdf), image, audio, video, compressed, executable files
  • Open a file, folder, drive
  • Recognise good practice in folder, file naming: use meaningful names for folders and files to help with searching and organisation
  • Create a folder
  • Rename a file, folder
  • Search for files by properties: all or part of file name using wildcards if necessary, content, date modified
  • View list of recently used files

Module 2: Organising Files and Folders

  • Select individual, adjacent, non-adjacent files, folders
  • Sort files in ascending, descending order by name, size, type, date modified
  • Copy, move files, folders between folders, drives
  • Delete files, folders to the recycle bin/wastebasket/trash and restore to original location

Module 3: Storage and Compression

  • Empty the recycle bin/wastebasket/trash
  • Identify the main types of storage media like: internal hard disk, external hard disk, network drive, CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, USB flash drive, memory card, online file storage
  • Identify file size, folder size, storage capacity measurements like: KB, MB, GB, TB
  • View available space on a storage device
  • Understand the purpose of file, folder compression
  • Compress files, folders
  • Extract compressed files, folders to a location on a drive


Module 1: Network Concepts

  • Define the term network. Outline the purpose of a network: to share, access data and devices securely
  • Define the term Internet. Identify some of its main uses like: World Wide Web (WWW), VoIP, e-mail, IM
  • Define the terms intranet, virtual private network (VPN) and identify their main uses
  • Understand what transfer rate means. Under- stand how it is measured: bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (kbps), megabits per second (mbps), gigabits per second (gbps)
  • Understand the concepts of downloading from, uploading to a network

Module 2: Network Access

  • Identify the different options for connecting to the Internet like: phone line, mobile phone, cable, wi-fi, wi-max, satellite
  • Define the term Internet Service Provider (ISP). Identify important considerations when selecting an internet subscription option like: upload speed, download speed and quota, cost
  • Recognise the status of a wireless network: protected/secure, open
  • Connect to a wireless network

Security and Well-Being

Module 1: Protecting Data and Devices

  • Recognise good password policies like: create with adequate length, adequate character mix, do not share, change regularly
  • Define the term firewall and outline its purpose
  • Understand the purpose of regularly backing up data to a remote location
  • Recognise the importance of regularly updating software like: anti-virus, application, operating system software

Module 2: Malware

  • Understand the term malware. Identify different types of malware like: virus, worm, Trojan, spyware
  • Be aware how malware can infect a computer or device
  • Use anti-virus software to scan a computer

Module 3: Health and Green IT

  • Recognise ways to help ensure a user’s wellbeing while using a computer or device like: take regular breaks, ensure appropriate lighting and posture
  • Recognise computer and device energy saving practices: turning off, adjusting automatic shutdown, backlight, sleep mode settings
  • Recognise that computers, devices, batteries, printer cartridges and paper should be recycled
  • Identify some options available for enhancing accessibility like: voice recognition software, screen reader, screen magnifier, on-screen keyboard, high contrast


  • Digital courseware included

Lab / Exercises

  • Practice exercises will be offered during and at the end of each module


  • This training prepares for the exam ICDL Base – Computer Essentials (BM1)

Complementary courses

Prix de l'inscription
CHF 1'200.-
Inclus dans ce cours
  • Training provided by a certified trainer
  • Exam fee (Skills Card not included)
  • Pre-training level evaluation
  • Digital documentation
Mois actuel

lun03Mar(Mar 3)09:00mar04(Mar 4)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun03Mar(Mar 3)09:00mar04(Mar 4)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun07Avr(Avr 7)09:00mar08(Avr 8)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun07Avr(Avr 7)09:00mar08(Avr 8)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun12Mai(Mai 12)09:00mar13(Mai 13)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun12Mai(Mai 12)09:00mar13(Mai 13)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun16Juin(Juin 16)09:00mar17(Juin 17)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun16Juin(Juin 16)09:00mar17(Juin 17)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun21juil(juil 21)09:00mar22(juil 22)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun21juil(juil 21)09:00mar22(juil 22)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun25Aoû(Aoû 25)09:00mar26(Aoû 26)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun25Aoû(Aoû 25)09:00mar26(Aoû 26)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun29Sep(Sep 29)09:00mar30(Sep 30)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun29Sep(Sep 29)09:00mar30(Sep 30)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun03Nov(Nov 3)09:00mar04(Nov 4)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun03Nov(Nov 3)09:00mar04(Nov 4)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun08Déc(Déc 8)09:00mar09(Déc 9)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1

lun08Déc(Déc 8)09:00mar09(Déc 9)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM1


Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Tel. 058 307 73 00


Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

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Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 06:00 pm.

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