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Training: ICDL BASE – Online Essentials – BM2

Ref. ECDL1-BM2


This course sets out essential concepts and skills relating to web browsing, effective information search, online communication and e-mail.

Participant profiles

  • Anyone in need to be comfortable with surfing the web and communicating via e-mail
  • Anyone wishing to obtain ICDL certification


  • Understand web browsing and online security concepts
  • Use the web browser and manage browser settings, bookmarks, web outputs
  • Search effectively for online information and critically evaluate web content.
  • Understand key copyright and data protection issues
  • Understand concepts of online communities, communications and e-mail
  • Send, receive e-mails and manage e-mail settings
  • Organise and search e-mails and use calendars


  • Basic computer skills

Course content

Web Browsing Concepts

Module 1: Key Concepts

  • Understand the terms: Internet, World Wide
  • Web (WWW), Uniform Resource Locator (URL), hyperlink
  • Understand the structure of a web address. Identify common types of domains like: geographical, organisation (.org, .edu, .com, .gov)
  • Define the term web browser. Identify common web browsers
  • Outline different internet activities like: information searching, shopping, learning, publishing, banking, government services, entertainment, communication

Module 2: Security and Safety

  • Recognise ways to protect yourself when online: purchase from secure reputable websites, avoid unnecessary disclosure of personal and financial information, log off from websites
  • Define the term encryption
  • Identify a secure website: https, lock symbol
  • Define the term digital certificate
  • Recognise options for controlling Internet use like: supervision, web browsing restrictions, download restrictions

Web Browsing

Module 1: Using the Web Browser

  • Open, close a web browsing application
  • Enter a URL in the address bar and go to the URL
  • Refresh a web page, stop a web page downloading
  • Activate a hyperlink
  • Open a web page in a new tab, new window
  • Open, close tabs, windows. Switch between tabs, windows
  • Navigate between pages: backwards, forwards, home page
  • Show previously visited URLs using history
  • Complete, submit, reset a webbased form
  • Use a web tool to translate a web page, text

Module 2: Tools and Settings

  • Set the web browser home page
  • Understand the term pop-up. Allow, block popups
  • Understand the term cookie. Allow, block cookies
  • Use available help functions
  • Display, hide built-in toolbars. Restore, minimise the ribbon
  • Delete history, temporary internet files, saved form data
  • Add, delete a bookmark/favourite
  • Show bookmarks/favourites
  • Create, delete a bookmarks/favourites folder. Add web pages to a bookmarks/favourites folder

Module 3: Bookmarks

  • Add, delete a bookmark/favourite
  • Show bookmarks/favourites
  • Create, delete a bookmarks/favourites folder. Add web pages to a bookmarks/favourites folder

Module 4: Web Outputs

  • Download, save files to a location
  • Copy text, image, URL to another location like: document, e-mail
  • Preview, print a web page, selection from a web page using available printing options

Web-Based Information

Module 1: Search

  • Define the term search engine and name some common search engines
  • Carry out a search using a keyword, phrase
  • Refine a search using advanced search features like: exact phrase, date, language, media type
  • Search a web-based encyclopaedia, dictionary

Module 2: Critical Evaluation

  • Understand the importance of critically evaluating online information. Understand the purpose of different sites like: information, entertainment, opinion, sales
  • Outline factors that determine the credibility of a website like: author, referencing, up-to-date content
  • Recognise the appropriateness of online information for a particular audience

Module 3: Copyright, Data Protection

  • Define the terms copyright, intellectual property. Recognise the need to acknowledge sources and/or seek permission as appropriate
  • Recognise the main data protection rights and obligations in your country

Communication Concepts

Module 1: Online Communities

  • Understand the concept of an online (virtual) community. Identify examples like: social networking websites, Internet forums, web conferencing, chat, online computer games
  • Outline ways that users can publish and share content online: blogs, microblogs, podcasts, images, audio and video clips
  • Recognise ways to protect yourself when using online communities: apply appropriate privacy settings, restrict available personal information, use private messaging when appropriate, disable location information,
  • block/report unknown users

Module 2: Communication Tools

  • Define the term instant messaging (IM)
  • Define the terms short message service (SMS), multimedia message service (MMS)
  • Define the term Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
  • Recognise good practice when using electronic communication: be accurate and brief, use clear subject headings, do not inappropriately disclose personal details, do not circulate inappropriate content, spell check content

Module 3: E-mail Concepts

  • Define the term e-mail and outline its main uses
  • Identify the structure of an e-mail address
  • Be aware of possible problems when sending file attachments like: file size limits, file type restrictions
  • Outline the difference between the To, Copy (Cc), Blind copy (Bcc) fields and recognise their appropriate use
  • Be aware of the possibility of receiving fraudulent and unsolicited e-mail. Be aware of the possibility of an e-mail infecting the computer
  • Define the term phishing

Using E-mail

Module 1: Sending E-mail

  • Access an e-mail account
  • Outline the main purpose of standard e-mail folders: Inbox, Outbox, Sent, Deleted/Trash Items, Draft, Spam/Junk
  • Create an e-mail
  • Enter one or more e-mail addresses, distribution list in the To, Copy (Cc), Blind copy (Bcc) fields
  • Enter an appropriate title in the subject field and enter, paste text into the body of an e-mail
  • Add, remove a file attachment
  • Send an e-mail with, without priority

Module 2: Receiving E-mail

  • Open, close an e-mail
  • Use the reply, reply to all function, and identify when these should be used
  • Forward an e-mail
  • Open, save a file attachment to a location
  • Preview, print a message using available print- ing options

Module 3: Tools and Settings

  • Use available help functions
  • Display, hide built-in toolbars. Restore, minimise the ribbon
  • Create and insert a text e-mail signature
  • Turn on, turn off an automatic out of office reply
  • Recognise e-mail status as read, unread. Mark an e-mail as read, unread. Flag, unflag an e-mail
  • Create, delete, update a contact, distribution list/mailing list

Module 4: Organising E-mails

  • Add, remove message inbox headings like: sender, subject, date received
  • Search for an e-mail by sender, subject, e-mail content
  • Sort e-mails by name, by date, by size
  • Create, delete an e-mail folder/label. Move e-mails to an email folder/label
  • Delete an e-mail. Restore a deleted e-mail
  • Empty the e-mail bin/deleted items/trash folder
  • Move a message to, remove a message from a junk folder

Module 5: Using Calendars

  • Create, cancel, update a meeting in a calendar
  • Add invitees, resources to a meeting in a calendar. Remove invitees, resources from a meeting in a calendar
  • Accept, decline an invitation


  • Digital courseware included

Lab / Exercises

  • Practice exercises will be offered during and at the end of each module


  • This course prepares to the exam ICDL Base – Online Essentials. If you wish to take this exam, please contact our secretariat who will let you know the cost of the exam and will take care of all the necessary administrative procedures for you

Complementary courses

Additional information

If you wish to take the exam, please contact our secretariat who will take care of the administrative procedures. The cost of the exam is not included in the price of this training.

Prix de l'inscription
CHF 1'200.-
Inclus dans ce cours
  • Training provided by a certified trainer
  • Exam fee (Skills Card not included)
  • Pre-training level evaluation
  • Digital documentation
Mois actuel

lun17Fév(Fév 17)09:00mar18(Fév 18)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun17Fév(Fév 17)09:00mar18(Fév 18)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun24Mar(Mar 24)09:00mar25(Mar 25)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun24Mar(Mar 24)09:00mar25(Mar 25)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun28Avr(Avr 28)09:00mar29(Avr 29)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun28Avr(Avr 28)09:00mar29(Avr 29)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun02Juin(Juin 2)09:00mar03(Juin 3)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun02Juin(Juin 2)09:00mar03(Juin 3)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun07juil(juil 7)09:00mar08(juil 8)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun07juil(juil 7)09:00mar08(juil 8)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun11Aoû(Aoû 11)09:00mar12(Aoû 12)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun11Aoû(Aoû 11)09:00mar12(Aoû 12)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun15Sep(Sep 15)09:00mar16(Sep 16)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun15Sep(Sep 15)09:00mar16(Sep 16)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun20Oct(Oct 20)09:00mar21(Oct 21)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun20Oct(Oct 20)09:00mar21(Oct 21)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun24Nov(Nov 24)09:00mar25(Nov 25)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2

lun24Nov(Nov 24)09:00mar25(Nov 25)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL1-BM2


Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Tel. 058 307 73 00


Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

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Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 06:00 pm.

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