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Training: ICDL STANDARD – Image Editing – SM5

Ref. ECDL2-SM5


This course covers the practical application of an image editing programme to improve, edit and print digital photos as well as publish them online. Additionally, this module conveys an understanding of the main concepts of digital image editing.

Participant profiles

  • Anyone who already have basic knowledge of Photoshop image processing tool and wish to obtain ICDL certification


  • Know about the main concepts of using digital images and understand graphic format options and colour concepts
  • Open an existing image, save an image in different formats, and set image file options
  • Use built-in options such as displaying toolbars, palettes to enhance productivity
  • Capture and save an image, use various selection tools, and manipulate images
  • Create and use layers, work with text, use effects and filters, and use drawing and painting tools
  • Prepare images for printing or publishing


  • No prerequisites

Course content

Chapter 1: Imaging Concepts

  • Module 1: Digital Images
    • Identify common uses of digital images like: web and print publishing, distribution by e-mail and mobile phone, home printing, digital photo frames
    • Understand the terms pixel, resolution and identify the key features of a digital image: composed of discrete pixels, represented digitally in binary code
    • Understand the terms lossy, lossless image file compression
    • Understand the term copyright and the implications for image use. Understand the terms royalty-free images and rights-managed images
  • Module 2: Graphic Formats
    • Understand the terms raster and vector graphics and distinguish between them. Identify common raster (jpeg, gif) and vector (svg, eps) formats
    • Recognize proprietary digital image editing application formats: psd, psp, xcf, cpt
  • Module 3: Colour Concepts
    • Understand the term colour model and recognize common colour models: RGB, HSB, CMYK, grayscale
    • Understand the terms colour palette, colour depth
    • Understand the terms hue, saturation, colour balance
    • Understand the terms contrast, brightness, gamma
    • Understand the term transparency

Chapter 2: Image Capture

  • Module 1: Capturing Images
    • Save an image from a digital camera to a location on a drive
    • Use the print screen facility to capture a full screen, active window
    • Save an image from an image library, web page to a location on a drive
    • Open a scanning application and scan an image: preview, set scanning parameters, scan, save

Chapter 3: Using the Application

  • Module 1: Image Creation
    • Open, close an image editing application. Open, close image files
    • Create a new image file and set options: colour model, size, resolution, background colour
    • Create a new image file from clipboard
    • Switch between open image files
    • Save an image to a location on a drive. Save an image under another name to a location on a drive
    • Save, export an image as another file type like: jpeg, gif, tiff, png
  • Module 2: Settings
    • Set background colour, foreground colour
    • Set grid properties: units, horizontal spacing, vertical spacing, colour
  • Module 3: Enhancing Productivity
    • Set basic options/ preferences in the application like: transparency, grid settings, measurement units
    • Use available Help functions
    • Use magnification/zoom tools
    • Use the undo, redo command. Use the undo history
    • Display, hide built-in toolbars, palettes, windows

Chapter 4: Working with Images

  • Module 1: Selection
    • Select an entire image, layer(s)
    • Set selection tool properties: relationship between multiple selections, feathering, antialiasing, width, height
    • Select part of an image using selection tools: rectangular, elliptic, magic wand, magnetic lasso, freehand image
    • Inverse a selection
    • Save a selection, load a saved selection
  • Module 2: Image Manipulations
    • Change the canvas size of an image
    • Resize an image in pixels, measurement units
    • Crop an image
    • Copy, move image(s), selection within an image
    • Rotate, mirror an image, selection within an image
  • Module 3: Layers
    • Define and understand the term layer
    • Create, copy, delete a layer
    • Set layer properties: name, hide, show, lock, opacity, blending mode
    • Arrange, merge, link, flatten layers
    • Transform layer(s): scale, rotate, flip, move, trim
    • Convert a drawn object to a raster layer
    • Create an animated gif from layers
  • Module 4: Text
    • Add, edit, delete text
    • Copy, move text
    • Align text: left, centre, right, justified
    • Apply text formatting: font sizes, font types, font colour
    • Apply a text warp
  • Module 5: Effects and Filters
    • Apply artistic, distortion effects: pixelate, emboss, wind, ripple, twirl, desaturate
    • Apply blur effects: gaussian, motion
    • Apply lighting effects: lighting, flare
    • Apply adjustments: brightness- contrast, hue-saturation, colour balance
    • Apply sharpen, unsharpen mask
    • Apply red eye reduction

Chapter 5: Drawing and Painting

  • Module 1 : Drawing Tools
    • Add a line to an image: straight line, free drawn line, curves. Set, modify line weight, style and colour
    • Add a shape to an image: rectangle, ellipse, n-shaped polygon. Set, modify line, fill style and colour
  • Module 2: Painting Tools
    • Pick up a colour value with the dropper
    • Fill a portion of an image with the gradient tool, selecting opacity/transparency, radial, linear, position, rotation
    • Colour a portion of an image with the paintbrush tool, selecting colour, shape, size
    • Erase a portion of an image with the eraser tool, selecting its shape and size
    • Fill a portion of an image with colour using the paint bucket tool
    • Clone a portion of an image using a clone tool, selecting size, opacity

Chapitre 6: Prepare Outputs

  • Module 1: Setup
    • Preview an image
    • Select appropriate colour depth, resolution, image size, graphic format for web, screen, print use
  • Module 2: Print
    • Change print output orientation: portrait, landscape. Change paper size
    • Print an image to an installed printer using defined options, default settings


  • Digital courseware included

Lab / Exercises

  • Practice exercises will be offered during and at the end of each module


  • This training prepares for the exam ICDL STANDARD – Image Editing. If you wish to take this exam, please contact our secretariat who will let you know the cost of the exam and will take care of all the necessary administrative procedures for you

Complementary courses

Temptraining funding

ITTA is a partner of Temptraining, the continuing education fund for temporary workers. This training fund can subsidize continuing education for anyone who works for an employer subject to the Collective Work Agreement (CCT) Rental of services.
Prix de l'inscription
CHF 1'200.-
Inclus dans ce cours
  • Training provided by a certified trainer
  • Exam fee (Skills Card not included)
  • Pre-training level evaluation
  • Digital documentation
Mois actuel

jeu13Fév(Fév 13)09:00ven14(Fév 14)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

jeu13Fév(Fév 13)09:00ven14(Fév 14)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

jeu20Mar(Mar 20)09:00ven21(Mar 21)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

jeu20Mar(Mar 20)09:00ven21(Mar 21)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

jeu24Avr(Avr 24)09:00ven25(Avr 25)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

jeu24Avr(Avr 24)09:00ven25(Avr 25)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

mar27Mai(Mai 27)09:00mer28(Mai 28)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

mar27Mai(Mai 27)09:00mer28(Mai 28)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

ven04juil(juil 4)09:00lun07(juil 7)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

ven04juil(juil 4)09:00lun07(juil 7)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

ven08Aoû(Aoû 8)09:00lun11(Aoû 11)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

ven08Aoû(Aoû 8)09:00lun11(Aoû 11)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

ven12Sep(Sep 12)09:00lun15(Sep 15)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

ven12Sep(Sep 12)09:00lun15(Sep 15)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

ven17Oct(Oct 17)09:00lun20(Oct 20)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

ven17Oct(Oct 17)09:00lun20(Oct 20)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

ven21Nov(Nov 21)09:00lun24(Nov 24)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5

ven21Nov(Nov 21)09:00lun24(Nov 24)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionECDL2-SM5


Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Tel. 058 307 73 00


Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

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Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 06:00 pm.

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