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Training: Lead high-stakeholder discussions

Not certifying


Studies suggest that an organisation’s performance hang on how individuals deal with crucial conversations. Close to 80% of the projects that require cross-functional cooperation cost more than expected, produce less than hoped for and run over budget – companies with employees skilled at difficult conversations, substantially increase trust and reduce costs – the key to real change lies not in implementing a new process but in getting people to use the right skills.

This two-day training is a tool for handling conversations when stakes are high, opinions vary and emotions run strong.

Participant Profiles

  • Managers in needs to deal with crucial conversation
  • Project managers


  • Talk openly about high stakes topics
  • Skilfully address emotionally and politically risky issues
  • Acquire high-leverage skills to dialogue,
  • Express delicate feedback and at the same time building on relationships
  • Stay focus when facing different opinions and strong emotions
  • Take charge of your emotions to stay in dialogue
  • Be able to share your view even when ideas are controversial and unpopular


  • No prerequisites

Course Content

  • Dialogue
    • To get all relevant information from yourself and others and make it safe for everyone to open up
  • Focus on what you really want
    • Get yourself right – work on yourself
    • Choose the right approach
  • Know what to observe
    • Watch the content along with the conditions
    • Notice when the conversation starts turning unhealthy
    • Catch the problem before it becomes too severe
    • Make it safe to talk
    • Create the conditions of safety: mutual purpose and mutual respect
  • Take charge of your emotions to stay in dialogue
    • Retrace your path
    • Identify the emotions behind your conclusion
  • Speak persuasively not abrasively
    • Share the facts
    • Explain your conclusion
    • Ask others to share both their facts and conclusion
  • Explore others’ path
    • Be ready to listen – be sincere, curious and patient
    • Use inquiry skills to explore others perspectives
  • Turn the conversation into action and results
    • Agree on what you are going to do
    • Make it clear on how decision will be made
    • Make assignments  – Set deadlines – Follow-up


  • Digital courseware included

Lab / Exercises

  • Active and experiential learning methods with role plays and practical exercises to contextualise learning and make it relevant to their job
  • Combination of group work and individual reflexion to raise self-awareness
  • Models and techniques to help people get the most of this learning experience
  • Personalised feedback

Complementary Courses

Eligible Funding

ITTA is a partner of a continuing education fund dedicated to temporary workers. This fund can subsidize your training, provided that you are subject to the “Service Provision” collective labor agreement (CCT) and meet certain conditions, including having worked at least 88 hours in the past 12 months.
Prix de l'inscription
CHF 1'300.-
Inclus dans ce cours
  • Training provided by a domain expert
  • Customized situational activities tailored to your challenges
  • Digital documentation and support materials
  • Achievement badge
Mois actuel

jeu20Mar(Mar 20)09:00ven21(Mar 21)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

jeu20Mar(Mar 20)09:00ven21(Mar 21)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

jeu24Avr(Avr 24)09:00ven25(Avr 25)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

jeu24Avr(Avr 24)09:00ven25(Avr 25)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

mar27Mai(Mai 27)09:00mer28(Mai 28)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

mar27Mai(Mai 27)09:00mer28(Mai 28)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

ven04juil(juil 4)09:00lun07(juil 7)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

ven04juil(juil 4)09:00lun07(juil 7)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

ven08Aoû(Aoû 8)09:00lun11(Aoû 11)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

ven08Aoû(Aoû 8)09:00lun11(Aoû 11)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

ven12Sep(Sep 12)09:00lun15(Sep 15)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

ven12Sep(Sep 12)09:00lun15(Sep 15)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

ven17Oct(Oct 17)09:00lun20(Oct 20)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

ven17Oct(Oct 17)09:00lun20(Oct 20)17:00Lausanne, Avenue Mon repos 24, 1005 Lausanne Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

ven21Nov(Nov 21)09:00lun24(Nov 24)17:00VirtuelVirtual Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS

ven21Nov(Nov 21)09:00lun24(Nov 24)17:00Genève, Route des Jeunes 35, 1227 Carouge Etiquettes de sessionTEAM-DIS


Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Tel. 058 307 73 00


Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

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Route des jeunes 35
1227 Carouge, Suisse

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 06:00 pm.

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